Thursday, April 07, 2011

四大皆空 黄明志 歌词


Artist: Namewee/KarenKong feat. Dennis Lau(Violin)
Written/Arranged by Namewee 詞曲/編曲 黃明志
Eng lyrics written by Namewee/Fred Chong

Open your eyes y'all
This is a wake up call !
For those ignorant people of the world

打開報紙 又是一堆殺人放火
又是吵架 面紅耳赤你爭我奪
又是政客 在胡言亂語show off (Diam lah!)
又是明星 在絞盡腦汁炒作 (Oh please loh!)

每個人 都想展現自己與眾不同
誘惑太多 榮華富貴怎樣 都不夠
來繼續墮落 快來繼續賣弄
你還有什麼 你還想證明什麼

你說你 能征服所有一切 當你擁有一切
你說你 能面對所有困難 所有的困難
你說人定勝天 水來土淹
如果天 塌下來你會把它當棉被
哈哈 有一天 可能就在今夜
山崩地裂 你也只能躲在棉被

We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
When you're trying hard to be king of the world
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?

劫 是逃不過的劫 是老天在發洩
埋怨人類做的一切 是時候做個了結
它一步一步 來摧毀一處一處
你只能痛哭 只能痛苦
只能對著屍體 來表現你的無助
你的車 你的名牌 你的錢 你的房子

流著淚 望著天 等著判決
排著隊 等著灰飛煙滅
世界末日會在明天? 還是明天後的明天?
閉上眼 睜開眼 剎那之間
一瞬間 變成了 一萬年
廢墟中找尋不到 記憶裡幸福的家園

We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
When you're trying hard to be king of the world
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?

Can I catch my breath Before I say 'i love you'
Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall?
Can I hold you tight Until tomorrow?
Or tomorrow ...There'll never be tomorrow ...

看見災難很驚世 它有什麼樣的警示
還是 你只是看看電視 不關你的事
繼續放肆 繼續無恥 做你以為對的事
犯了一生的罪 沾了一身的穢 然後再濫用宗教信仰脫罪
天蓋之下 地載之上 一群無知的人類
以為出類拔萃 都在自我陶醉

We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
When you're trying hard to be king of the world
We're nothing at all We've got nothing at all
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?

Like I've promised in the footer of my blog, I'll put lyrics sharing and lauyeelosophy into a mixing bowl, well makin€g up bullshit and music are both my passion anyway.

Interesting to note that I've written about life is nothing on March 6, and he uploaded We Are Nothing on March 17, as much as I wanted to say I inspired him, both of us are talking about very different subject. So all I can say is, great mind do think alike eh?

For those who doesn't understand english, he does provide an english translation in his original blog post and the translation is at least to me surprisingly good! Thumbs up!

Going back to the subject matter, looking at the wave of natural disasters I somehow wonder, was it because news are getting spread much faster and wider right now or there's an actual increase in natural disasters. Is the world going to come to an end? Are we going to be wiped out from the surface of the earth? Is the earth fucked or we're the one getting fucked? While I very much don't mind the doomsday coming now, cause at least I'm here to witness how it happen, it's not quite a good idea to end our civilization now that so many people propagating about how sick the earth is and how they plan to save the earth. Well plan is the first joke, saving the earth is the punch line. One good idea to save human civilization, quit producing pop songs like Baby, c'mon song can be way more meaningful than grieving about his first love breaking his heart.

Quoting the bridge of the song, "When you're trying hard to be king of the world" and the new testament about the word Armageddon "Armageddon is a battle in which Satan unites the kings of the earth against God's appointed king, Christ." kind of get me thinking, are we fighting one another, just to stand as the King of the earth fighting against the higher order? Are we trying hard to break out from the higher order? What will we be if we won the battle?

We're nothing at all? Or are we trying hard to leave a legacy, a trail of our existence behind just like the dinosaurs left us with fossil and fuel or fossil fuel, or like the pre-Jurassic plants leaving us with Amber? If we are wipe out from the surface of the earth, swallowed by the land, the sea or extreme pressure, what will we leave behind? Will we be one day attributed by our successive intelligent creature as the pre-historic creature who turn petroleum into plastic? Since most plastic are non-biodegradable, how would they make use of the treasure we left them?

Or are we really nothing at all? Answers I have none, questions I have a bunch, if you read up to here, why not help me answer a few of my questions?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:06 AM



    这首歌,的确不一样,不管你喜欢他的人后,请跳出框框,听听来自地球的声音,重新认识 Namewee -黄明志。
    (p/s: 只限于这首歌。 XD )


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What is lauyeelosophy?

It was a little unexpected that this blog is still up at running after so many years, and definitely a huge chunk of inactivity. Started off with nothing but some personal nags, sharing some of the songs that I genuinely like and their lyrics, and some thoughts that I have no one around me to discuss with, bullshits that I've structured.

Soon I'll put everything into a mixing bowl, sharing lyrics with a structured bullshit story. I wouldn't update it as often as I'd like to but for people who like reading, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.

Yes a picture is worth a thousand words, but it wouldn't be as entertaining as a thousand words for sure.

Sincerely yours,