Tuesday, September 21, 2010

我还是我 黄明志 歌词

我还是我 黄明志

我的名字 叫明志 这个只我介绍方式
从小老师 就认为我是想要惹事
我热爱文字 我讨厌公式 我不想面对考试

我的思考方式 没有人能够抑制
大人都固执的怪我固执 不懂事
我明白 待人处事都有 它的模式
但不代表 全部人都要变成孔子

十五岁 那年初 我染上音乐的毒
我透过音符 来降低我内心的无助
我学习美术 但依然无法醒悟
是孤独创造梵谷 还是梵谷创造孤独

中学毕业后 华人得自求多福
挥挥衣袖 我决定到台湾留宿
爸爸妈妈不要担心 我不会辜负
等我读完书 一定会回到归属

我会好好过 我必须好好过
想家的时候 我就打开电脑拼的创作
墙壁上的大马国旗 是我的寄托
床头的那张全家福 总是让我振作

一个人 在外国 要独立生活
我做过很多工作 我面对很多数落
无论在辛苦 还有音乐陪着我
我理想没有变 因为我 还是我

我有我自己的梦 自己会走
请原谅我的冲动 我会好好过
不怕暴雨狂风 将我淹没
就算旅途在颠簸 我不能回头

2007年 那是个迟来的夏天
改编国歌事件 让我人生从此改变
透过网际网络 我闯了祸
有人 说我叛国 有人 想干掉我
有人 说不让我回国
政客趁机出头 媒体还配合炒作

谣言越来越多 让人陷入惶恐
甚至 还有人把偷渡路线图 Send给我
爸爸妈妈 对不起 不要难过
墙壁上的国旗 我从来没有拆过
我破了千万点 也上了各大版面
有人喜欢有人讨厌 面临舆论考研
我的故事 被文学家 写进了书
我的脸 还被人画成了 卡通人物

再多褒与贬 都已经时过境迁
毕业后的我 决定勇敢面对误解
我用陆路 交通跨越六个国度
拍摄记录 沿途上的惊险 和领悟

一步步 很艰苦 终于回到大马领土
被拍照 被访问 还被叫到警察总部
虽然 你们把我 当成公众人物
但我必须稳住 要保持个人创作元素

我有我自己的梦 自己会走
请原谅我的冲动 我会好好过
不怕暴雨狂风 将我淹没
就算旅途在颠簸 我不能回头

有人说 我的作品荼毒青年思想
有人说 我的头脑都在胡思乱想
说我乱讲 说我是社会毒瘤发痒
还怪我 变成他儿子的偶像

面对攻击 我早就已经习惯
保持沉默微笑 是我最好的答案
装模作样 从来就不是我的强项
但我出门逛逛 却要为伪装装

我的email 每天都有人来 诉苦
但我爱莫能助因为我不是 政府
你们来我Facebook 鼓励我 诋毁我
我不删除 因为那是言论论自由净土

我想要让你听见 让你看见
我想说的话 我的电影 和我的音乐
徘徊尺度边缘 自由自在的畅所欲言
那是主流媒体 永远看不到的世界
我站在不同的角度 我不会停下脚步
这条思路 是老天送给我的礼物
你说我糊涂 你甚至想要把我说服
对不起 我还是我 那就是我的态度

在Kuala Lumpur 开始了新的生活
这里人潮汹涌 马路坑坑洞洞
一不小心 我可能会在这里失控
这条路很难走 但我已近没有回头

我还是我 我还是我
我还是我 我还是我

我有我自己的梦 自己会走
请原谅我的冲动 我会好好过
不怕暴雨狂风 将我淹没
就算旅途在颠簸 我不能回头

我还是我 yeah~
我还是我 yeah~


但是我必须拜服与他的创作能力!我第一次听见黄明志的歌曲,第一句就是“我不是Hip Hop Kaki” 但是他的态度与音乐远远超越了许多的Hip Hop Wannabe。

给Namewee的话(just in case 你到此一游):

Thursday, September 02, 2010

FYI We DO Worship King Kong!

Stumble upon this video on Facebook, which interestingly turns into a multimedia sharing and ad spamming site of late. Let me start off by saying, I'm a Chinese, yellow skin, small eyes, mixed up l and r sound, and typically Chinese. I'm religious confused, sometimes practicing Taoism, sometimes Buddhist and most of the time doubting if they ever existed. Not just my own religion but others alike, don't categorize me as an atheist, I'm at most a free thinker. Like one of my friend told me, dude you're just buying insurance, you doubt their existence, and wouldn't believe that none of them exist. Maybe it's true that sometimes, I wish there's this superficial force up there looking down guiding me through my life, and I'm just part of their master plan.

Well, let's get back to the video, his ignorance about Chinese culture and religion aside, that's quite a good speech I'd say. Although he's quite narrow minded with his speech, with all the bashing on the Chinese religious practice, it make sense, since there are so many mosque of different races, why not a Chinese mosque? If we can have Chinese churches that's bashing the Taoism and Buddhism the same way all over the country, why not a Chinese mosque? Does those so called original Muslim see Chinese as a threat?

When some Chinese wanted to join them, they are afraid that the Chinese will corrupt their holy religion? If they are not ready to accept new brothers and sisters with welcoming arms, what do they expect those people to do? They will start misunderstanding the Islamic teachings and there's where trouble comes in. If I am not mistaken, China where the Chinese come from is one of the channel Islam is bring into Malaysia!

Living in a multiracial country, with dominant religion on the majority of each races, the best we can do is of course respect others' religion. Coming from different religion background, we might agree or disagree that there exist only one god, and HE the greatest of all beings. Why not just spread the teachings without damaging the other religions?

Why must there be a continuity of the holy war, no offense but why haven't anyone take a deep thought and think that religion could be a political scam. A well staged act with GOOD intention to lead the people. Some well passed myth or stories that satisfy the security needs of the people in the era the religion first started. After all religion is but a set of conditions to gain invisible return, and you can't argue otherwise. If there exist prophets back then, why prophets stop showing up now?

Accept the fact that all religions are different then you'll start seeing their similarity. It all bears good intention, telling people not to do bad things, the condition to receive the invisible love, is to love!

Matter of fact, we do worship King Kong!
四大金刚, which is dubbed The Four Great Guard or
Big Four King Kong

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What is lauyeelosophy?

It was a little unexpected that this blog is still up at running after so many years, and definitely a huge chunk of inactivity. Started off with nothing but some personal nags, sharing some of the songs that I genuinely like and their lyrics, and some thoughts that I have no one around me to discuss with, bullshits that I've structured.

Soon I'll put everything into a mixing bowl, sharing lyrics with a structured bullshit story. I wouldn't update it as often as I'd like to but for people who like reading, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.

Yes a picture is worth a thousand words, but it wouldn't be as entertaining as a thousand words for sure.

Sincerely yours,