Tuesday, January 13, 2009


屋顶上步行 仰望那些一起数过的星
触景的环境 回想起当初单纯的约定

曾经你开心 就算痛苦也是地义天经
斗嘴没输赢 只会让两颗心靠得更近

但如今 你声音的生硬 认谁听了都不高兴
对彼此 失去了信心 对过往的约定不再相信

无心的分心 改写了一段美好的爱情
无形的无情 却留下了最具体的痛心
闭上了眼睛 泪水却从眼角流不停
如今的心情 唯有一个人慢慢适应
我现在的心情 有谁能帮我抚平

怎么又是一首无奈的歌?可能五年的回忆真的会逗留在心里比较久吧。。。 时间刻下的伤痕真的需要时间来冲淡,每当回首看看过往自己犯下的错而造成的距离,心中总是有点刺痛的感觉。

这是我清唱出来的,中气不足唱得不好听, 所以别说我没有预先警告哦!哈哈
无形的无情 (V5) http://www.mediafire.com/?ynnzsotmyxe

无形的无情 (原版) http://www.mediafire.com/?2wlxjmtkm9x
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What is lauyeelosophy?

It was a little unexpected that this blog is still up at running after so many years, and definitely a huge chunk of inactivity. Started off with nothing but some personal nags, sharing some of the songs that I genuinely like and their lyrics, and some thoughts that I have no one around me to discuss with, bullshits that I've structured.

Soon I'll put everything into a mixing bowl, sharing lyrics with a structured bullshit story. I wouldn't update it as often as I'd like to but for people who like reading, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.

Yes a picture is worth a thousand words, but it wouldn't be as entertaining as a thousand words for sure.

Sincerely yours,